Colossal Con East 2019

October 17, 2019  •  1 Comment

ColossalCon East is an fun con to attend. This is the east cost version of Colossal Con held at same resort, Kalahari in Pennsylvania . Although last year I spent alot of time covering cosplays, this year I decided to hang out and enjoy the resort chilling at the hot tub and going on all the water rides. It was so refreshing to attend a con where I didn't focus on taking photos. I did spend a few hours taking photos of cosplayers I knew at the con. Samples are below. Overall an awesome con to attend and the last one to mark the end of the Summer.



Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion - @jessakidding


Billy from Stranger Things - @spideyluc


Lulu from Final Fantasy X - @IriCorpseCosplay


Maleficent- @idkgravity




Shimakaze from Kantai- @arabella_kat




To see the complete set of my cosplay coverage from go to

ColossalCon East 2019

Comments review(non-registered)
This drawing in cutting edge photo book talks it for what it's worth, with no help. So every now and again with photography you need to acknowledge how to take photos that will look right, especially getting noteworthy minutes, recording events or shooting stock photos. A certifiable model would wed photography when it helps with hitting the nail on the head first time.
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